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The PARENT Principles: God-Centred Parenting Principles

Writer's picture: BomaBoma

What are The PARENT Principles?

The word principle refers to a fundamental truth or guiding rule that influences behaviour and decision-making. Therefore, each of The PARENT Principles offers foundational guidance for God-centred parenting.


The PARENT Principles are not a set of step-by-step parenting strategies. Principles inspire and guide our overall parenting approach, while strategies provide the practical steps to live out those principles daily. Principles help us weigh strategies so we can select, discard, or tailor them to fit our faith and our families. When principles are clearly defined, we are better equipped to choose strategies that align with our values and goals.

Who are The PARENT Principles for?

The PARENT Principles are for anyone in a parental role, whether biological parents, adoptive parents, guardians, or others with a nurturing relationship with a child.

From Principles to Strategies 

As we reflect on The PARENT Principles the Holy Spirit will reveal and lead us to strategies that work for our families. Often, this will have less to do with showing us how we can meet our children's needs and more to do with showing us how He can meet ours. As we put God at the heart of our lives, the Holy Spirit will work within us to bring healing and renewal, transforming how we interact with our children.

Philippians 2:13 reminds us:

For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.

Our children may call us by our parenting title (mum, dad etc) but God knows us by name. While parenting can make us feel as though our value or identity rests solely in this role, we must remember that Jesus died for the person, not their position. The busyness, challenges and responsibility of parenting require us to develop intimacy with God - not as a burden, but as a lifeline for us and our families.

God-Centred Parenting Principles

Each of the six principles in the PARENT acronym - Prioritise Prayer, Abound in Love, Reverence God, Example, Nourish and Nurture, and Togetherness - provides practical, biblically rooted guidance for God-honouring parenting.

Prioritise Prayer

Prioritise Prayer

Prayer is the foundation of Christian parenting. It invites God’s presence, wisdom, and guidance into our parenting journey. Through prayer, we seek God’s help, intercede for our children and align our hearts with His will.


Prayer equips us with patience, peace, and strength to navigate the ups and downs of parenting, transforming the atmosphere in our homes.

When we prioritise prayer we prioritise God. This demonstrates to our children that our relationship with God is essential and central to every decision we make.

Abound in Love

Abound in Love

To abound in love is to embrace and reflect the fullness of God’s unconditional love in our parenting. This requires us to not only give love unconditionally but also to receive God’s love ourselves. Reflecting on how we perceive God’s love and addressing anything that hinders us from believing in His love for us will transform the way we parent.


Sometimes, past wounds, feelings of unworthiness, or misconceptions about God’s character can create barriers to experiencing His love. Spending time in prayer, meditating on Scripture, and seeking healing in these areas allows us to grow in our understanding of God’s love. This growth equips us to pour that same love into our children’s lives and mirror the steadfast, sacrificial love of our Heavenly Father.


Reverence God

Reverence God

Reverence for God, or the fear of the Lord is the cornerstone of a life that honours Him. This principle calls parents to live in awe of God’s holiness and to prioritise His glory in all aspects of personal and family life. When we revere God, we teach our children to do the same by setting an example of obedience, worship, and humility.


Reverence shapes the atmosphere of our homes, creating a space where God’s presence is celebrated, and His Word is cherished. It challenges us to examine our hearts, ensuring that our parenting reflects God’s priorities rather than our own. Reverencing God brings several benefits to individuals and families including wisdom, security and generational blessings.




The Bible tells us to be imitators of Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). By immersing ourselves in God’s Word and following the teachings and example of Jesus with increasing consistency, we provide a clear example for our children. We can do this more effectively by learning from the examples of others, whether directly or indirectly.


Children learn more from what they see than from what they hear. When our actions align with our words, we build trust and authenticity in our relationships with them, providing a tangible blueprint for them to follow as they develop their own walk with God.


Nourish and Nurture

Nourish Nurture

As parents, we are not only concerned with the physical needs of our children but also their emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Similarly, out heavenly Father deeply cares about every aspect of our well-being.

To nourish and nurture our children effectively, we must first allow God to nourish and nurture us through His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit works within us, providing His presence, wisdom, love, and healing. Through Him, we are empowered to parent with greater peace, patience, purpose, and joy.

When we receive from the Holy Spirit, we are strengthened and refreshed, enabling us to pour into our children's lives from a place of fullness rather than depletion.



Parenting is not a solo journey. Togetherness strengthens our ability to parent effectively, whether through collaboration with a spouse, relationships with extended family, or connections within the Church or community. Unity and agreement open the door for God's blessings and create an atmosphere where His peace and purpose can flourish in our families.


By involving our children in family life, setting family goals, spending quality time together and improving communication and conflict resolution skills, we create a Christ-centred environment where every member feels valued.


Our Vision for The PARENT Principles

The PARENT Principles aim to inspire and equip parents to reflect God’s love and wisdom in their parenting. Through writing, resources, and community, we encourage parents to grow in their relationship with God and to address past and present personal challenges. By doing so, parents will be better equipped to disciple their children and create homes that glorify God.


The PARENT Principles provide a solid framework for God-honouring parenting. Let us journey together as we seek to be parents who raise children for God's glory.

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